Next Level Gaming Steamroller

A new store opened up in Salem so my son and I drove down to participate in their inaugural Warmachine event. The new store is Next Level Gaming and they have dedicated a large part of their store for miniature wargaming. They have enough space for 24 players!

I am working on my Skorne army but I don't have all of the models built for a full list. So I brought my Cephalyx army with Exulon Thexus and Cognifex Cyphon. I know they are not very competitive as a pair, but I enjoy their aesthetic. My plan was to drop Cyphon all day because he happens to be on the upcoming ADR and I'm in the discovery phase about whether or not I want to run him in a Champions event. My Thexus list acted as a deterrent to try to get a better drop for Cyphon. I'm not entirely sure if my ploy worked.

In round one I played against Shawn who was running Khador. The scenario was Standoff and he dropped Zerkova 1 in Armored Corps. I went first. We kept pace with each other on control points, but it took a lot more of my resources to kill his army than the other way around. I lost on clock on turn three.

In round two I played against Alex who was running Skorne. Alex is one of my favorite players to play against and this is the second time I've faced him recently. (The first was at a team event earlier in the month.) The scenario was Spread the Net and he dropped Zaal 2 in The Exalted theme. I went first. I managed to kill one of the Supreme Guardians and at the end of the game I was up 4-3 on control points. I never really felt like I was in control which was evident by the amount of time I used up on my turns. I lost on clock on turn four.

In round three I played against Joshua who was running Cryx. The scenario was Mirage and he dropped Asphyxious 1 in Scourge of the Broken Coast. I am not very familiar with Cryx and I was surprised at how fast the Satyxis are. It completely escaped my mind that I went second this round so I did not position myself very well (thinking I had another turn to get to where I wanted to be). Furthermore, I forgot about his ambushing unit. In the end he did not activate them but I was already on a downhill slide. I was assassinated on his third turn my charging Satyxis models. Unfortunately, Sacrificial Pawn [Monstrosity] only works on enemy ranged attacks!

There was a fourth round but both my son and I were sitting at 0-3 and facing a long drive home. There were 10 players at this event and I hope it is the start of something new for the Salem area. Thank you to Next Level Gaming for hosting!

