Magnetizing PP tokens

Magnetizing focus tokens

Welcome back to more DIY fun. Today I will show you how cheap and easy it is to take the generic Privateer Press tokens, that you may have plenty of laying around, into stackable magnetized ones. I was inspired by watching some BatReps of Infinity by Corvus Belli where the players had order tokens with magnets. Also the wound dial markers players use in WarmaHordes. With a surplus of small magnets used for warjacks and beasts I set to work.

At first I did a fast and dirty method of a dab of super glue on the back of the token then placing a small magnet. It works but did not have the right feel.

Back to the think tank for a minute and duh, drill a hole to put it in. Bringing out the trusting hand drill I roughly lined up the tokens on my cutting map in attempt to get center cuts.

After some experimentation, found 12-15 turns put the magnet just about flush but with a small amount out to get it closer to the top of the token below.

Finally, for the very familiar part of dropping a small amount of super glue in the hole, placing the magnet, then letting it dry. Quick tip with the magnets to keep polarity in order; either mark one side like the end magnet or keep a done token handy to check prior to inserting.

Start to finish it took about 30 minutes to complete 16 tokens. I am happy with the outcome. So far I played 1 4 round tournament and found them easy to use, clean on the table, and just cool. 

List of items used;

Thank you for taking the time read this article, hope it helps.

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